
A storage option

for 21st century

Looking for a good storage bucket?

Use a bowl instead for everything

<Image />

<VideoStream />

<ImageCropper />

<UploadArea />


But What Is a Bowl?

It does things that a storage bucket could never dream of.

Unmatched Efficiency

Storagebowl finds the most optimized format for your media. This way when a user uploads a media file, it’ll require less space to store, and will make your website faster to load!
Optimized: chunky.png
Gain: 1.5MB
Optimized: bigboi.png
Gain: 320KB
Optimized: xlsize.png
Gain: 670KB
Optimized: bucket.png
Gain: 999MB
Optimized: badass.png
Gain: 800KB
Optimized: avatar.png
Gain: 120KB

Zen Developer Experience

Toggle a switch instead of week-long huddles. Handle your media without writing a single line of code.

Optimize Images

Video Streaming

Show Blurry First

Protect Media

Built-in Magic

StorageBowl is ready to use out-of-the-box! With everything we provide, let your users have an amazing experience easily.
<ImageCropper />
<VideoStream />

Great Helpers

Don’t get overwhelmed. Use StorageBowl CLI tool to handle your setup, component installation, and more. We have lots of tools for you!
~ coolest-project/ sbowl init
Configuring project...
You are using Next.js
You are using TailwindCSS
Initialized fbowl.config.ts

You Deserve Better

Like many others, unlock the full potential of your applications

Reduced Media Size

Best optimization, cheap storage cost.
Optimize your media automagically.

More User Attention

Make your first bite much faster. Get attention of users by streaming and blurry images.

Increased Performance

Best performance by best infrastructure.
Get reduced network activity and fast load times.

We Love Free Storage!

You can get hundreds of gigabytes of storage for free! Just spread your love of StorageBowl.

You Guessed Right!

This is also powered by a bowl! Therefore, will never slow down. So, why should’t it power your applications too?
example imageexample imageexample image
example imageexample imageexample image
example imageexample imageexample image
example imageexample imageexample image
example imageexample imageexample image
example imageexample imageexample image
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